Healing Lifelong Trauma.

w/o Reliving the Events .

For the Person Who's Tried Everything.


Cleared a sexual assault
Cleared a sexual assault & childhood abandonment event

I can't explain what this did to me other than, thank you. I feel released <3

I can't even start to describe how I feel after finishing this. I feel no shame. No shame at all.

I feel like I could run a marathon!! I feel so empowered! I feel the flow of energy run through my body and Im letting my self indulge in it. waow.

Cleared sexual assault & abusive relationship

I have been struggling with overwhelm and my mind racing for years, even though I have done A LOT of work on myself.

I had persistent thoughts of those thoughts about past abusive partners and I could even still feel a pull of attraction towards them still, which I was frustrated and ashamed of. It caused so much emotional stress for me on a daily basis!!

I got to work with Evan, and it was surprisingly simple.

I could feel a LOT of shifts and emotions. And then after my session with Evan, I felt an incredible relief and shift.  

What was most fascinating to me, was that those repeating thoughts and that pull to abusive men, was literally turned off. It was so strange in the beginning, but so freeing.

It was hard to believe at the beginning, that after all these years, this was no longer a part of my reality. I felt free, I almost felt like it never happened.

The thoughts have not come back and it's been a month now.

I can also think about past negative experiences and abusive people, and not feel any charge, because it simply feels resolved.

I feel safe and I feel calm.

I can really recommend this to anyone, who have expereince any degree of sexual abuse.

It's very simple, it feels safe, you don't have to spend more than a few hours and then you have a different life.

Cleared a sexual assault

It's amazing, I'm feeling SO MUCH peace and space throughout my body and mind. And no more shame either.Now it feels the exact same to say 'I was raped' as it does to say 'I had coffee for breakfast'... There's absolutely no emotional charge left in there!

Cleared a sexual assault & a traumatic breakup

I've been feeling massive releases at a new level. I finished Day 2 and had a lot of somatic releases, and have been napping like crazy

Cleared a sexual assault & childhood abandonment

Thank you for a calmness that I don't know I've ever felt

Cleared a sexual assault & grief from a death

I really feel overall that this has been very freeing and a complete reboot in ways I didn't expect or anticipate.

All the concepts that we worked on still maintain a lack of charge and it still feels very surreal. I believe that I have had so much charge around them for so long!

This process is amazing and really speaks to me.

Cleared a sexual assault

My integration has been wonderful! I feel really at peace, regarding my typical sexual trauma.

Normal triggers are not there or as usually big of a trigger as they are. I honestly have been feeling very fulfilled and happy with life! 

Cleared sexual assaults & childhood embarrassment events

Evan, Thank you.

Thank you for whatever you have experienced, questioned, pursued, and dove into to learn this technique and be in a position where you can share it.

I am so freaking free and freedom really does have a feel..a texture if you will.

Now, I am going to try to keep to tight one-line sentences but you know despite my best efforts, I may fail....:)

My integration story in bullets:-When we hung up, I stood up and immediately felt wobbly. I went downstairs to take the dog out and noticed I was talking to myself and saying things like "I feel light and fluffy...wow, this is a weird feeling, never felt this way before..." I looked down at the dog and she was just staring at me. I struggled a bit to put on her harness and laughed because I do that action many times in a day yet at that moment I was like all thumbs. I took her out for a walk and tripped a handful of times before I got off the block. I was loopy, floating, peaceful, and exhausted. We finally made it back from our 20 min walk and I immediately showered, meditated/prayed, and made a voice memo, and went to bed, it was 9:15 pm. By mid-day on day 2, I felt I needed to ground so started spending more time outside, even tho it was really hot. I also started meditating outside instead of just in the house. I felt and still feel completely unrushed - I am present in all of my conversations (not multi-tasking by checking email or texts) and not preparing my response while I am supposedly listening.

All the days since I have been noticing the following:

1. I am getting a lot of deep sleep, like 3 hours but not so much REM sleep, like under an hour. I am trying different things to shift that and will figure it out.

2. I am emotionally unaffected by things that don't serve me. What I mean by that is it feels like I have finally graduated to a mutual understanding of the relationship between death and life. I don't know how to further explain this but I have always known myself to feel deeply for the experiences of others and since last week I have had a different feeling...more of an awareness and appreciation for the experience but no attachment to it and it/they don't take up space in me as they had previously.

3. I am eating less. No mindless snacking. I am drinking a lot more water. I was already doing a gallon a day and now I sometimes get up to 3 and when I drink it it's like drinking the most important ingredient my body needs - yes, I know the role of water in sustaining life but I am saying I am actually feeling it when I drink it now.

4. I am at a level of peace I've never felt before and I am pretty sure I will be able to stay here for the rest of my life - or at least I am going to try.

5. I have completed tasks that have been in a holding pattern for months, for no reason at all, but now they are done. Everything from sending follow-up emails to hanging pictures in my home - nothing feels like it is lingering.

6. I am craving less spicy food. Before I made everything spicey. Everything. Now, I am thoughtful and I ask myself and I decide if and how much spice I want. I know that seems silly but for years I just made everything spicey - so to now ask myself if I want spicey is new.

7. Relationships - I had a relationship with a friend that felt pressured for unnecessary reasons other than neither of us had spoken from the heart in the way we needed to and I did it on Friday and no longer feel the pressure...like a cloud on a sunny breezy day, poof...gone.

8. I am a better listener. I have always been a good listener but I would let my brain prep a statement or response which as you know distracts me from being an active listener. Now, I am noticing that I just don't have any distractions coming up. This is really big because I am now aware of how much I was not fully present.

10. No more chatter in my head. I still think thoughts..lol, it's just that they are not competing or racing..I notice and I choose. I can also clear my mind easily to shift or be still quite easily.

Ok, this is it so far. I will add that I did these things to ground and I believe it helped immensely with integration:

1. I exercised every morning, I was doing it already but doing it after our session feels even more right so I would add exercise to an integration plan for anyone.

2. I have been spending time with my friends with kids, and little kids, and being around them has felt like being around Yoda. It's not that they are dropping nuggets of wisdom but its that they are free from any limiting beliefs so I feel energized when I am with them last weekend I was able to babysit for two friends and get a lovely dose of a 5-year-old and an 11-year-old. it was beautiful

3. Smells are enhanced. I was burning incense in the evenings now I am burning it a few times a day

4. Hugs. I have always been a hugger a two-handed hugger who lingers and that feels even better now.

And I have thought about the five moments. Those incidents have been with me for years.

They spawned so many other limiting beliefs- like spider webs- and fears and only now can I see and feel how much space they eliminated in me.

I feel incredible Evan, just incredible.

You must teach this. I will help you. Please.

Cleared childhood abuse

Before the session whenever I was triggered, I would re-live my earliest memory of the experience with this particular trigger which would cause a re-traumatisation of my system.

This was felt bodily and emotionally.

My body would react with tension in my yaw and shoulders and my breath would be short, never really going all the way down into my abdomen.

My mind would replay every possible scenario of how the situation could have turned out and the endless loops were extremely loud.

Through this method I was introduced to a new way of engaging mentally when triggered, which caused a shift of experience. In simple terms, I was able to separate past, present, and future. My mind would communicate this to my body, and I accomplished a calmness and ease with whatever was happening.The power after just one session was instant.

The methods are possible.

I have gotten my life back and I hope many more will join me in experiencing becoming alive.

Cleared sexual assault from childhood

My session was amazing. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to have been able to work with Evan.

He made me feel extremely comfortable And at ease the entire time.

I was completely shocked at how I was able to walk away and say the words “I was raped at age 11” as a fact with no emotion behind them.

After having done EMDR for way too long, I never thought I’d be able to talk about my trauma in such a factual manner.

I didn’t think my other trauma that we discussed was even something that was weighing on me, but I also feel so free from that as well.

Cleared sexual assault and traumatic relationship

Working with Evan was one of the easiest, most effective, and most enjoyable healing experiences I’ve had.

In a handful of hours, I released anger, guilt, grief, and shame that I’d carried for years, some of which I wasn't even fully aware of.

Going to talking therapy always felt hard, and I’d leave feeling the same or worse than when I arrived.

After the sessions I did with Evan, I felt lighter and had so much more of my own energy back.

For the first time, I felt like I wasn’t just moving the furniture around, but actually getting those old pieces out of the house.

Cleared a sexual assault & family conflict
Cleared childhood abuse & sexual assault

My mind doesn't seek out scary thoughts and memories with men anymore - I don't have that replay button going on and on and on in my head. It's gone.

Now my first reaction to a man is not immediatly to be on my guard, but instead to enjoy the company.

I feel that I am now free to talk to and be around whoever I wish. And I can let good people into my life because I now feel that I can trust my gut, instead of being controlled by the past.

I am nicer to be around (including being aorund myself), I am more calm in general (less stress) and I can let the memories rest in the past without actively trying to get them to go away.
They just aren't that powerful anymore.

I can set boundaries in a calm and collected manner because I am no longer overwhelmed by past emotions.

The feelings that used to pop up and overtake my brain and body have also left me. Now the events are just that: events.

All of this have had a positive effect on my mental health and I also see it manifest itself in my physical health.

Cleared childhood bullying

I kind of figured this was something that would be here forever. Now, this thing that I've been carrying for 43 years is just gone...

Cleared sexual assaults

My baseline anxiety and panic is wayyyy down. The constant tightness in my chest is totally gone, and I no longer feel like my past dictates my future.

I've always worn my traumas like a badge of honor, now i'm just pacing around my apartment kind of bored because I have nothing to obsess or stress over

Cleared sexual assault & family conflict

I hung up with you and spent the last 2 hours crying such beautiful tears and talking with my sister. We haven't talked in literally 5 years. It feels so good to finally have this cleared.

Now that this weight has been removed, I feel like I can literally start over and finally find out what I like sexually.

Cleared a sexual assault & PTSD

I'm feeling great! The thoughts that used to race around my head all the time have just stopped happening...

And when I do think about it there's no response in my body or adverse reaction - it's just something in the past that happened now!

Cleared a sexual event w/ sibling

My mind shift has been really powerful.

My mind isn’t allowing me to go to the dark places anymore. It’s not allowing me to spiral down and feel past pain.

I’m also not allowing anything to bring down my mood. Or let others opinions/gossip/ moods affect how it makes me feel about myself.

I really noticed a huge difference last Thursday. Something that would have drove me crazy, just simply didn’t.

Like my mind wanted to care more that I actually did. It was so crazy. I was literally telling myself, “this should bother me more” “I should be mad right now” but I wasn’t! It’s almost like I couldn’t.

My mind was just like “nah, that’s none of my business. Let’s just work and have a good night” it was a really amazing feeling to NOT go home after work and still waste so much energy thinking about something that already happened and something I couldn’t change or do anything about.

I feel like I’ve had a complete mind shift with how I am processing things and not letting my past trauma affect my days anymore.

That literally was life changing.

Cleared a sexual assault & 3 dangerous events

(reposted from facebook)

Story time. It's worth it.

I read a quote once that said:"The most influential person in your life is the one you haven't forgiven"Well, shit.

The trauma kid over here was triggered.

Then, I saw [redacted]'s post on facebook and I followed the nudge from the universe and scheduled a call with Evan.

He probably can't help, but whatever. I'll try it.

Humans! I'm a skeptic. No, really.

I've been conditioned to believe that most people are liars - especially about their abilities to heal others.

Sunday, skeptic sally over here, spent just over 90 minutes with Evan and something a bit magical happened, even for the cynic.

Four traumatic memories of events, (and therefore beliefs about myself), were knocked loose from the death grip my brain had on them.

In 90 freaking minutes.

I don't know how he did it.It was a combination of uncoupling the past with the present and doing some magical limbic system re-wiring juju.

The process was insanely easy after carrying some heavy stuff for nearly 40 years.

The way Evan created safety, (getting my buy-in to the process, and consent at every turn), and held space for when I was not clearing things quickly enough for my "let's get it done" brain -- was so gentle.

He used metaphors, and stories that wildly resonated (using actual vague examples I'd literally recorded in a podcast episode right before the call), which tells me that this dude is a legit badass that anyone that is holding on to some pain needs to meet with, stat.

So why this post?

If I hung on to trauma for 40+ years and that can be dissolved in 90 minutes, people gotta know about that.

If half of what we cleared "sticks", my life will be completely different.

Everyone deserves that.

Still not sure how the hell to explain it, but I 100% get it.

Sign up.
Get on a mailing list.
Go to an event.

Whatever it takes, figure it out because what happened was pretty powerful.

Much love, family - and thank you, Evan.

Cleared a sexual assault & grief from father's death

It's been good. I think about it and test the waters and it's still freaky that the feelings are gone.

It's still weird to think about it and not be crushed with emotions but at the same time it's freeing.

I think it also did end up helping me make a really hard decision in my personal life too cuz it's related in a way!!!

Cleared a sexual assault & toxic relationship

I have felt a lightness and a comfort in connecting with people more closely.

The simple act of complimenting someone at the grocery store used to make me wildly uncomfortable, let alone feeling comfortable connecting with family or romantic partners…

and I found myself walking towards closeness without fear.

I also had a wild experience of running into a ex from a toxic relationship shortly after working with Evan.

Normally I would’ve had a visceral reaction and fled, but in this moment my body remained calm, and afterwards I almost forgot it had even happened.

Truly blissful.

I’ve been in therapy for years to work through sexual trauma and open up more.

The freedom this single session gave me was wild!

Cleared a sexual assault & dangerous childhood event

Working with Evan allowed me to see what was really keeping me scared and triggered. It wasn't the situation, but the worry that the situation would show back up in my life.

Now that I have allowed my limbic system some rest, I can see logically that nothing can change them - and that I can rest safely.

His careful guidance, gentle patience, and quiet spirit are a gift to those who have been through trauma and pain.

Without even having to go through the experiences again, I was able to reshape how I feel now while also not having to endure these experiences reappearing randomly in my day to day life.

Thank you, Evan! You're a treasure.

Cleared a sexual assault & kidnapping

This work is so creative and out of the box.

The things that he brings up in the session are really like “Duh” but at the same time reach something deep to the core of how we take in trauma and register it in our bodies.

Even though I had trouble in my session connecting with specific things, I noticed a huge difference in my feeling of safety in the world and openness of my heart, my willingness to receive.

Grateful for his work and this valuable tool to getting out things that really no other modality can reach.

Cleared unsafe past events that led to feeling unlovable

I've been very distracted with a death in our family, but I have taken some time to check in on those old memories. I find no energy there, which is such a great experience.

Cleared relationship with mother and God

I think your magic worked
God hasn't come up
I'll let you know when it does
I'm in PA with my parents
I'm trying to hug my mother as much as I can
I don't think she minds it now
You were right about feeling a lot of emotions
It feels like all 1 million emotions
Are crammed inside me, like piles of wood
Trying to be sorted out
Like Tetris
I feel myself softening ...Introspective shit

This thing you do: it could actually change the world.

Cleared dangerous events in childhood

I had immediate relief, the tension in my body that I believed was associated with the trauma I experienced is gone, and my mind is clear.

I can remember the events, as they DID happen to me, but there is no emotional charge associated whatsoever.

Cleared sexual assault, violent abuse and grief & guilt from a death

the first few days after the session were heavy hitters but i definitely feel a difference.

it’s been pretty exciting to not carry that weight. thank you so much.

i want everyone to be able to heal from their trauma this way.

so blessed to have been sent your way. so excited to see where this takes you.

Who This Is For.

This is for people who have tried everything else to heal their trauma, but nothing has worked.

For the people who wonder 'if anything will ever work for ME...?' or if 'my stuff is just too deep'

If you have tried:

energy work,
somatic therapies,
inner child work,
positive affirmations
jamming the issue deep down inside and never looking at it again
trying to figure out if there's something wrong with you

but these did not work - then you are in the right place.

What It Works On.

This modality works best on highly traumatic events, clearing their charge from your limbic system and body.

This has produced incredible life changing results for:

Survivors of sexual assault looking for final healing
Humans living with PTSD who are ready to get out
Survivors of abuse or bullying
People struggling with intense grief from a death of a loved one
Women who have been through an abortion or miscarriage event
People currently suffering from addictions or depression
Any human who has been through one or more extremely traumatic events more than 3 months ago

While this modality can be extremely helpful for other issues, we have found that the people who experience the most dramatic life shifts are those who have been through at least one extremely challenging event.

How It Works.

This modality works by helping your limbic system finally stop creating emotions about your traumatic events, turning off your fight or flight reaction to them, for good.

Once this happens, you will retain the memory of the event, but without any of the anger, guilt, shame, fear, resentment, sadness, anxiety or physical symptoms manifested by it.

This provides clients with a deep sense of neutrality and freedom -- something many have not experienced in years, or decades.

For more information about how this works, please read the whitepaper here.

But Will It Actually Work For You...

At this point, you've probably tried dozens of things to heal. Your skepticism is welcomed, loved, and appreciated.

Almost all of our clients have tried nearly every therapy modality in the book to heal, and were still left holding their pain. They may have gotten better understandings of the suffering, but no actual relief...

My goal for you is true relief from your pain, not just a better intellectual understanding of it.

While the sample size is small (<100 at creation of this website), as of Sept 2022: 

92.9% Experienced significant differences in their day to day life
7.1% Reported no discernible results, with no negative or downside effects

So will this work for you? 

It's possible it may not -- yet it's very likely it will.  

What's even better is that, to date, we have never seen this mode of therapy make things worse for a client.

When dealing with traumatic memories, it's critical to decrease the downside risk as much as possible.  

With each new client, this modality continues to show a high likelihood of healing, and very little potential downside.

So, while there's a 7.1% chance you won't notice a difference, at least there's no downside risk...

The only people this has NOT seemed to work for are people with black mold infections or people who frequently smoke marijuana. For more information on this, please refer to the whitepaper above.

Hi, I'm Evan.

I'm the creator of RTR, and I accidentally stumbled into developing this modality over the last 2 years.

I've spent 10 years searching high and low for ways to clear my own trauma... And just about everything failed me.

If you're looking for a buttoned-up PhD and 30 years of clinical experience, I probably won't be the key for your lock.

I'm not a perfect human, nor am I claiming to be a guru. I only own two pairs of shoes for God's sake.

But I've seen the profound and consistent healing this modality can create for people who have been unable to find healing with other modalities.

And I'm obsessed with giving you more freedom than you had yesterday.

So maybe that's enough.

My mission in life is to create a form of therapy that allows EVERYONE to heal themselves, so that total emotional freedom is given even to those who cannot afford therapy. Nobody should be left behind.

If you have read this far, I hope that you and I get to create some more freedom for you too.

The Guarantee.

I know that you've tried everything, and everything promised you results.

Candidly, part of the problem is that this industry is not held accountable to the results we provide you.

I'm so confident that this will work for you, that I only work on a results-basis.

So when you pay me, you are paying to permanently resolve a specific traumatic memory.

Whether that takes me one session or five, you will pay the same amount.

Nearly 100% of my clients feel totally clear after 1 session, but this guarantee will protect you just in case and make sure you get the results you desire.

This way, you leave feeling 100% clear, and I as the facilitator am held accountable to the results I am able to provide.